November 23, 2011

Getting around

So, its been a few days since I touched base with you all. I've been busy getting around town. First I had a big order of cameras. I love these guys:

Then I went on an all-girl day trip to Boston. It was chillier than I anticipated, but it was awesome, as usual.

At Harvard.

We had lunch at Cheers.

And now I'm sitting at my sisters table in North Carolina. She just moved into a pre 1960's home and I am smitten with all of the details. From locks that still actually use skeleton keys:

To original fireplaces:

Wood burning stoves. Yes, it works!

And an actual vintage kitchen! If only I could pick the house up and plop it back in NYC. I'd be one seriously happy chick.

See you back in NYC soon! Enjoy your family-filled weekend. I hope it's a SWEET one!

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. i don't know how i arrived here but i love it !!!!!
    lovely blog, thank you for sharing


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