June 12, 2012


You ever wonder where your time goes?  I know I barely ever just sit around doing nothing.  Somehow though, it seems like I can't ever remember what is keeping me so busy.  I just know I am.  Good thing I take pictures because they help me remember exactly what I've been doing.

In the past few days I have...

Created a custom card for some newlyweds-to-be.  She is his queen bee. ;)  
You can see (bottom right picture) for some reason I had a really hard time making the bee bodies.  I have a bunch of not quite right body shapes I will save for something someday.

Started a new quilled portrait using pantone colors.
I hope I don't hit a mental brick wall with this one.  It's for my first-ever quilling class.  SO excited!

Created a top-secret owl project for another book.
He's quite adorable (but I'm partial) and I hope that he is loved.

Made a custom anniversary card for a timbal-playing salsa-lover. 
I used my personal favorite salsa as the lyrics for the background (because I don't know the recipient's fave song).  It was the first song hubby and I danced at our wedding.  I still turn it up loud any time it shows up on my music shuffle.

Filled a few card orders, including this 4-card one.

My family and I also assisted a wonderfully uplifting 3-day convention this weekend.  It was full of great family advice and practical tips on daily life matters.  PHEW!  No wonder I'm tired.  I still have another project which involves a canvas!  I hope to get that one done by week's end.  We'll see what happens.

How is your week treating you?  Just remember, through it all, stay SWEET!


  1. Oh wow!!! It's official, I am now in love... with an owl!!! He is so cute :o) Have a great week x

  2. love the Bee's and cute owl, love your work!!!


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