May 8, 2012

Reviews and Recitals

So, I finally got a review on the 100 camera cards.  Here is what she said:  "Oh. My. Gosh!  I got it!!!!  SCREAMS OF JOY!!!  They are amazing!  Your presentation is amazing!  LOVE the box!  WOW!  Thank you so much!  This truly was a bright spot in a yucky day!  You have an amazing talent!"  That's the kind of thing anyone would like to hear, right?  I'm so happy that she loved them.

Now onto the recital.  I made the teenage dance recital card and I also made a little girl recital card.  She is not a new design but she was personalized for Chloe.  Super cute, if I do say so myself!  It's her first dance recital and I gave her some flowers because I too got flowers on my first dance recital.  A bouquet of roses.  I still remember how special I felt!
Happy Tuesday to you all!

P.S.  Notice the watermark?  I think it's gonna become a permanent thing.  As much as I dislike them, the copying is getting quite ridiculous.  And I don't have the time or the energy to fight all the battles.  Hopefully the copyright on the pics will help.  


  1. Hooray- and congrats! Your work is beautiful. =)

  2. congrats on the camera cards, new she would love them!
    still love the recital card, and hope the copying stops.
    Have a good week!!!

  3. Not surprised at all that she loved the cameras - who wouldn't?! The tutu is adorable too.

  4. Congrats dear, And the card is really super cute.

  5. These are really cute cards! I'm sure she felt receiving such wonderful gifts.

  6. Hey,
    I love this recital card...the quilled girl is sho her little skirt and flowers on the best...the bouquet is adorable too...

    Great Work...


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