May 2, 2012

Coo Coo Ca "Chew"

I still don't get that Beatles song.  Don't think I ever will.  But the spelling is a bit off because yesterday morning  I woke up at an ungodly hour to go see a taping of my favorite daytime show, The Chew.   I went with my niece, my two bff's and hubby.  We didn't score the coveted front row seats where you get to taste whatever the chefs cook.  But we had a nice time.  The studio was filled with the smell of fried lamb chops and deliciousness.  All I can say is that we were ridiculously hungry after we left there.

But hubby got to chair-dance with Carla Hall during a commercial break and she and my niece had a nice conversation about curly hair care.  Clinton was also very friendly and sweet as was Michael Symon.  Even the producer, Gordon Elliot,  was awesome.  Very down to earth and appreciative of the people who schlepped to the studio on an uber rainy morning before 7am.  The other two hosts were not into mingling with the little people.

So, after the taping, we turned to my handy dandy "places" app and asked it to lead us into breakfast nirvana.  We decided to hit up "Sarabeth's" on Central Park South.  Because the menu mentioned lemon ricotta pancakes (and that's all I needed to read).  After going into a carb-laden coma we decided to "walk it off".  Somehow we wound up in Columbus Circle at the Time Warner Center.  We pretended to browse the shops but the post-gluttonous-fatigue was taking over.  So we found a nice little area with sofas and chairs where Zagat was asking people to rate restaurants.  Hubby decided to acquiesce and take the survey while the rest of us just sat there in an I-can't-believe- it's-12pm-and-I-am-so-stuffed-and-tired-funk.

(That's me in the bright yellow cardi.)

We got our Zagat prize and from there, as the blue skies finally opened up, we decided to take a stroll in Central Park.  I know I've said it many times but it truly is a lovely place.  And I never feel like I am walking in the same spot.  It's always a new discovery.  This time we wound up by the remains of "Tavern on the Green" where hubby so nervously proposed to me many moons ago.  I was really sad to see it turned into a gift shop and info center.  But it kind of feels special that I have such an amazing memory in what is now a historical place.

That was my day yesterday.  I watched the show today (yesterday's taping aired today).  I saw a tiny glimpse of myself but only I would know where I was.  LOL!  It was cool.  Next time I will get there at 5am and see if I get a better seat. ;)

Today I am trying out quilling with cardstock.  And, I had a moment.  I think I totally LOVE IT!  Much easier.  Holds the shape better.  Of course, it doesn't look as delicate but I do find it easier.  I hope to share what I am working on soon enough.  And maybe many of you quillers will be interested in it.  We shall see.

Stay sweet my peeps!  I did have to close my shop again as I am on a serious time crunch.  But I will try my hardest not to be completely MIA.

Thanks for reading!  Keep it SWEET!


  1. Happy you had a nice time!! love your photos!! are they from your phone?

  2. Yes, they are. Gotta love technology! ;)


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