July 21, 2010

Madonna and Me

No, I have never met Madonna.  I know there are tons of Madonna fans out there but I have a love/hate relationship with her, see, my husband ADORES her.  So, being that I am a girl, I can't help but to hate her even though she's never really done anything to me.  One day I hope to get over that, for now I'll stay in the love/hate phase.

The other day while brainstorming for new silly quilly ideas my husband came up with this one.  I had to admit, it was a cute one.  So, here she is:

She took me over an hour and her hair was the hardest part.  Quilling is not exactly difficult, but it is very time consuming and involves a lot of details.  Also, I am a glue freak, so anytime I see a little glue where it shouldn't be, I need to start over.  

AND, so I decided to make a treasury out of it too :)



  1. Ha - too funny! You've really captured Madonna's attitude. What did your husband think of her?!

  2. He loved it and laughed heartily, so, I guess I did a good job ;) I've replied to your e-mail and, again, thank you very much! Have a lovely day.


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