January 5, 2011

2011 is moving too fast!

Wow!  The year just started and I already feel like I'm playing catch-up!  I finally decided to join twitter @SweetSpotCards.  That was a decision I thought long and hard about because I already feel like I have no time.  But, you can't deny the power of twitter and Facebook.  It's the world we live in.  So, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?  I hope I can make the time to come up with new ideas and keep up with submissions and orders and tweeting and updating.  See what I mean?  I'm already behind!!!  I have a lot of things I hope to accomplish this year. Mainly getting my shop more recognition and making lifelong customers.  I hope to accomplish all of this without neglecting my family (my most important gift) and my other priorities.

So here are some of my goals for 2011:

  1. Get more sales!  (I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a priority)!
  2. Figure Twitter out (any help would be MOST appreciated)
  3. Offer D-I-Y kits on my etsy shop.
  4. Host a few giveaways (good ones).
  5. More quilling blog hops (because what we do is special)!
  6. Get my name out there.
  7. Keep it real.  (I don't want to be anybody else, I just want to be me and say true to that.
I hope everyone can accomplish their personal goals and make 2011 a better year than 2010 was (even if it was a great one for you)!

Here are my newest silly quillies:

Accomplishing my goals would probably be much easier if my studio didn't look like this right now:

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You are so super creative. Thanks for following me. I had to come back and visit u and am glad i did! You are very talented and i love the way you sue quilling to create such different things!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a sweet comment! It means a lot to me. Even if I don't get around to responding, be sure that I have read and appreciate your input.
